
Campeche, Haematoxylum campechianum, Logwood, Bloodwood

Species:Haematoxylum campechianum – Native to the tropical regions of America, it is distributed on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala. The species has been introduced and naturalized across Central America, the Caribbean islands and northern South America. The wood of this tree is used as a source of the coloring matter called hematoxylin. In traditional medicine the wood is boiled in water to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

Campeche is a fast growing evergreen, thorny tree that can reach 15 meters, approximately 50 feet in height. The trunk has many shoots, branching off near the base. With age the trunk becomes gnarled. The sparse, spreading, rounded crown is made up of many rising and twisted branches.

Foliage: The pinnate leaves consist of several pairs of reverse heart-shaped leaflets. Leaves vary in color or size depending on the growing conditions. The new growth tends to have a coppery red hue, which greens up as the shoots harden.

Flower/ fruit: The fragrant, light yellow flowers are arranged in racemes. Campeche blooms from September through April, and the fruits (legumes) ripen March through May.

Fertilizer: Use a balanced fertilizer.

Repotting: When average night temperatures are above 70 oF.

Prune: Can be heavily pruned. There is no need to worry about leaving foliage as this tree will leaf out quickly. New leaves will break out of old wood.

Soil: The tree responds well to a soil mix of lava rock, pine bark and Turface. Pedro Morales hassuccessfully used akadama only.

Propagation: Grows well from cuttings as well as collected from the wild (if you live in Puerto Rico)

Insect/ Disease: No major pests noted.

Watering: Moderate watering in a well-draining soil.

Light: Full sun is best

Training: Responds well to wiring. Due to the hardness of the wood it lends itself to carving.

Temperature: Protect below 50oF. Cold sensitive.

Sources:Florida Bonsai Autumn 2009